Hoe is gelowiges betrokke in die samelewing? Hoe leef ons as christene in die kultuur, en moet ons kulturele verandering probeer bewerk? Kan ons konsekwent wees met boikot aksies? Wat is ons blootstelling aan heidense denke, media en vermaak – en wat is die vrug daarvan? Wat is die bybelse maatstaf vir die christen leefstyl en die huwelik? Hoe kan ons verantwoordelike rentmeesters wees? In Perspektief – Junie 2023, kyk Scriptura na drie sake in die nuus, naamlik die boikot aksie teen Woolworths oor LGBTQ produkte, die “real housewives” van die wynlande televisie-reeks , en die regering se skikking met Solidariteit oor rasooreenkoms vir regstellende aksie in Suid-Afrika.
01:33 Woolworths LGBTQ klere boikot
17:58 Die “real housewives” van die wynlande
27:48 Regering skik met Solidariteit oor rasooreenkoms vir regstellende aksie
Rom 14:22, Matt 10:16, Ef 3:10, Fil 4, Luk 18:9-14, Rom 12:1,2, 1 Joh. 2:161 Joh 2:16, Ps 115:8, 1 Sam 14, Ps 146:3, 1 Pet 3:15-17.
Marnix Boersema, Jaco de Beer, Gerhard van Rhyn, Nikolaas Pienaar

Hierdie potgooi / artikel is deur verskeie lede van die Scriptura-span saamgestel en geskep.
I support the boycott of Woolworths. I enjoy some of their products. So it costs me.
It’s not just about buying their products but the one thing missing from this good discussion is the pushing of the LGBTQ agenda on society right now.
I protested outside Woolworths store at Cavendish Square in Claremont and outside their head office in Cape Town.
And in all cases I was encouraged by many people in their support for what I was doing and the opportunities for sharing the Gospel with people during the protest.
My first goal in protesting is to promote the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
To fight for the family.
To stop the killing of innocent people and promote life.
We are not the Church of Jesus day. We are 2000 years into the future of His growing Kingdom which influences all of society.
I encourage you to consider God’s work in England during the 1700′
Billy, thank you very much for your comment.
It is true that we didn’t touch on the pushing of the LGBTQ+++++++ agenda on society. I think it is because we have touched on that in a couple of previous episodes.
I am thankful that you are living your faith and that you are holding onto the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ. As you have said “it costs” us.
May He continue to give us strength to witness to a lost world.
I will have a look at God’s work in England in the 1700′, thanks for the suggestion.
Grace and peace.
Gerrie van Rhyn