Hierdie week se versameling van alles en nog wat:
- Die misbruik van Christelike vryheid
- Die belangrike versorging van wewenaars en weduwees
- Geestelike oorlogvoering en ons vyande
- Hoekom en waarvoor het God jou gered?
Die misbruik van Christelike vryheid
“The mature, loving Christian does not try to stretch his liberty to the extreme, to see how close to evil he can come without being harmed. In 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Paul shows how misuse of liberty can disqualify us from effective service to Christ.”
The Danger of Overconfidence
Jy kan hier verder lees.
Die belangrike versorging van wewenaars en weduwees
Hier is die volledige artikel.
“If you want to see pure Christianity in action, you can witness it in the care for widows and orphans.”
Caring for Widows and Widowers in the Church
Geestelike oorlogvoering en ons vyande
Jy kan die volledige artikel hier vind.
“If once the curtain were pulled back, and the spiritual world behind it came to view, it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense, so convulsive, sweeping everything within its range, that the fiercest battle ever fought on earth would seem, by comparison, a mere game. Not here, but up there—that is where the real conflict is waged…”
Who is our Enemy?
Hoekom en waarvoor het God jou gered?
“Participation in this plan brings joy and purpose to a Christian. God receives glory when his people grow in maturity and serve him. In his grace, he provides several ways to accomplish this…”
Why God saved you
Hierdie artikel is baie sinvol en belangrik vir elke Chrisen – lees gerus!

Hierdie potgooi / artikel is deur verskeie lede van die Scriptura-span saamgestel en geskep.
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