In hierdie week se Et Cetera:
- Al hoe meer NG-Kerke doleer
- Sosiale media het ‘n mededingende godsdiens geword
- Ses gratis video-lesings oor “hoekom ons die Bybel vertrou”
- Gees-vervulde aanbidding in ‘n selfgesentreerde tyd
Al hoe meer NG-Kerke doleer

Sosiale media het ‘n mededingende godsdiens geword
Lees die volledige artikel van Al Mohler hier.
“Jacques Ellul was a French theologian in the 20th century and a prophet when it came to technology. He reminded Christians that we can never talk about “mere” technology because technology is never “mere.” In our age, technology becomes a god unto itself, a rival deity that threatens to contort human nature according to its own idolatrous determinations.
Ellul, moreover, warned Christians that we can never speak of technology as if it was something separate from theology. Technology changes the user; and it exerts a collective influence on entire societies and cultures.
In our day, technology has alienated us, certainly from each other. We sense that and can see how our reliance on technology has harmed our relationships with those around us. But it also has alienated us from God, feeding sinful impulses in us that turn us away from the dignity and identity we have as image bearers.
This means that Christians must think seriously about technology and understand that technology is a theological issue. A failure to confront the rival religion of technology is just another form of unfaithfulness.”
Ses gratis video-lesings oor “hoekom ons die Bybel vertrou”
Click hier om na die reeks te gaan.
“God’s revelation: where would we be without it? In this series, Dr. Stephen Nichols explains that we would be lost if not for God’s Word, trapped in the darkness of sin forever. Rather than forsake us, God sent His Son, Jesus, revealing and recording His redemptive purposes in an inspired, inerrant, and authoritative source: the Bible. Sufficient for all of life, a crucial question arises: will we accept its authority?“
Gees-vervulde aanbidding in ‘n selfgesentreerde tyd

Hierdie potgooi / artikel is deur verskeie lede van die Scriptura-span saamgestel en geskep.
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